Connor's Rio Address

Here is the mission home address for letters and packages:
Elder Connor Keetch Ottosen
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission
Dois de Dezembro 78
Salas 703/704 Flamengo
Rio de Janeiro RJ 22220-040
You can also e-mail him at
He can get e-mails AND now he can e-mail family and friends back!!!!!
THANKS for the letters! He says they are like gold!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Staying in the Rio Mission!

Hey Fam!
Wow I had no idea it was Memorial Day, haha funny how that happens. So honestly this week was a bit rough but ended a bit better. Last night after having very few results we went to a contact. It was a family married for 20 years, with two 17 year old twins. They were really receptive, and she had already gone to church a number of times before. They had rented out a house to the Elders before. They are members of another church right now, but still really open. It was really cool finding them, cause we are really needing new investigators. This week was also transfers. First I am staying in the Rio mission, and I will be staying with Elder Richmond in Caxias until at least July 10th. I am excited, because I think if we work hard, we can have lots of success. We had training with the president today and it was pretty awesome. He said a lot of things but the thing that stuck was that we should always remember the converts we have done with God, and our mission is one of the only times we can turn ourselves over 100% to God. It is by doing this that we become truly happy. 

So we have been doing PT at a place nearby. This week we will return to the doctor to see how things are going, and should learn more about how to proceed.
That is good to hear about everyone. Phew it sounds like you are busier than me! haha. That is awesome to hear about Lake Powell, did they go camp out there or what? I also heard about that Tornado, that is sad… lots of stuff happening these days. Thanks for the history and the picture though, that is pretty sweet!
Anyways I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week, (last week of school for the kids right?) 
Love, Elder Ottosen

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cool stake activity

Hey Family! 
Things are going well in Caxias. This week we had a cool activity on Saturday. All the young men in the stake preparing to go on missions, like 10, had a missionary talk by the stake president, and then they left with us to teach. We did divisions and I they liked it a lot I think. We also had zone conference this week, it was super awesome cause they made this awesome video about temples, and had a member of the area 70 there to talk to us. We had 3 investigators in church yesterday, 2 young men that we are going to work with to get baptized this next week. It will already be transfers again next Tuesday, but I think I will finally stay in an area. The work is going alright, honestly we had like a million appointments fall through this week, and we still aren´t about to work 100% because of the knees. But things are moving along.
So man in sounds like things are crazy like normal over there. I´ll be excited to see what you and grandma have done with the yards!. Glad to hear that everyone is busy though, better busy than with nothing to do! 
Anyways sorry the email is pretty short. Things are going pretty normal here! Love you all and have a wonderful week!
Love, Elder Ottosen

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mission split

Hey Mom and Family! 
I loved seeing you guys yesterday. I almost didn´t recognize Cole, Kade, or Paige, haha. I hope the rest of mother’s day turned out well! 
So as I kinda said yesterday, this week was better than the others, but still not great due to comp. bad knees and me getting sick. Though we do have one young man who might get baptized next week. He has apparently been going to church for almost a year because of his member friend. We are going to contact his family tomorrow and work to baptize them all. We also got a bunch of member references yesterday, so that was good and I am excited to see how that works out. Besides that honestly not a lot of investigators, we need to do a lot better and finding new ones this week. 
As for the mission splitting, it will happen on July 1st. The zones Petropolis, Teresopolis, Volta Redonda, and Juiz de Fora will all go over to the new mission, and any missionaries in those zones will go to the new mission. So the next transfer is the end of May, if I stay here I won´t go to the new mission.
Well, Thanks mom and family for everything. I love you guys honestly a ton, ton, ton! Hope that you have a wonderful week!

Love, Elder Ottosen