Connor's Rio Address

Here is the mission home address for letters and packages:
Elder Connor Keetch Ottosen
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission
Dois de Dezembro 78
Salas 703/704 Flamengo
Rio de Janeiro RJ 22220-040
You can also e-mail him at
He can get e-mails AND now he can e-mail family and friends back!!!!!
THANKS for the letters! He says they are like gold!

Monday, September 24, 2012

One of the coolest moments of my life

Hey! Hope the Family is doing great! 
Sorry this week will be short but we had a baptism yesterday!! Maria was baptized! Man was it work. Because she can´t walk and can barely stay seated we have to pick her up and heat up the water and do a bunch of things. When the baptism happened we already had my comp and a member in the water helping but I needed to get in at the last minute. In my church clothes and everything, man it was crazy but everything worked out and it was a really special moment for everyone, one of the coolest moments of my life. This week was a lot of work but it was good, we had some members of her family that came to church, and managed to bring a few teenagers that were less active back to church. Anyways I have a bunch of interesting experiences that I will have to write you guys next week. Everything is going great and I am really loving my mission. I pray that you are all good and well. Love, Elder Ottosen

Monday, September 17, 2012

Working a bunch!

GOOOOOOOOOO UTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha I was so happy to hear about the game!!
Anyways now that I got that out of my system how was your guy´s week. I never did get an email from last week. I got all the pictures multiple times, but never the letter, but don´t worry about it. So Alessandra got confirmed this week! I was really happy to see that, I think the church will help her out a ton.
So Maria the elderly sister has a wheelchair, but because of her health she can´t even sit for a long time, she has to lie down. But she is full of faith the she will be baptized this next week. She has even invited a ton of people, so we are going to pray and see what happens!
As for Marcione the 18 year old. He told us that he decided that church wasn´t important, and that to follow Christ you just have to believe in him. This is a super prevalent belief here in Rio. But we are going to keep teaching him and see what happens. I have never really used technology to teach. Most of the people don´t have computers, at least in my area. I know that in some missions technology is used more, but not here. 
That is so true, we are surrounded by miracles, especially on the mission. It is just a miracle to be healthy and safe everyday. I was reading Mormon 8 Saturday, amazing chapters, 7 8 and 9. But I think it was 8 that talked a lot about miracles. I loved that story about the fish. It is so awesome how when we put just a little trust and faith in the lord he shows us miracles. 
We had another cool investigator come to church yesterday. Sabrinha, she is the niece of a member. She is young but already has a child of 3 years. Anyways we are starting to teach her, but we are going a bit slower. I really hope we can help her out though, she needs it cause listen to this. She didn´t finish high school but needed money for her kid so she took a job as a maid. She works 11 hours a day, 6 days a week. She even goes to school after she gets done working. And she earns 110 dollars a MONTH! Man I feel so bad, but I am certain the church can help. So we will work with here. 
Anyways the transfer just has 2 weeks left so we are working super hard to try baptize some more people. Trying real hard to work with members to get references and to teach families. 
So while your weather is cooling down, the weather here is quickly heating up. haha already in the 100´s some days. But you get used to it real fast. 
I am glad school is going well for everyone! Sad about the Alta game though, Alta´s last year as a powerhouse school.
Tell any missionaries leaving or returning congrats for me! It is awesome to be part of a missionary ward.
I am always praying for Grandma, I hope that she gets better. And as for a package, I can´t think of anything at the moment... And good luck with the neighborhood party! It is going to be at the church or where? Also that is cool about the family night! Visiting so many members you really see what a difference family prayer, scripture study, and family night make in a family.
Anyways things are great in Rio. We are working a bunch and getting a bunch of work done. We also have a good number of less actives that we are trying, and sometimes succeeding in bring to church. Always look for missionary opportunities throughout your days! the help of members makes all the difference. 
Anyways things are going great here! I love you all with all my heart and hope you are having a wonderful September! Anything I can do for you guys, just send me an email
With tons of love, 
Elder Ottosen

Monday, September 10, 2012

Summer's coming early

Hey Family!
Hope you guys had a good week! Besides the Utah game that is... ugh. And congrats mom for doing the temple hike!! That is awesome and the picture you send look really cool! Same with the mountain hikes! Oh how I love Utah’s mountains.
 Anyways yesterday we had a baptism, Alessandra! She was a reference of a member, and a single mom of 1 that lives with her Stepdad and mom who go to another church. She had a strong desire to be baptized and I know she will be a great member. We also are teaching an 18-year-old boy that we found while looking for a less active member. His name is Marcione and he accepted a date to be baptized the 23rd. He has read parts of the Book of Mormon and liked it! I am really excited for him. We also have Maria, she is a little old lady that is confined to bed because she is sick. She talked with her brother (a member) and said she wanted to be baptized. We went over there and taught an awesome lesson, and she really has a desire to be baptized in our church. It will be a bit difficult because she can´t walk, but everything will work out. The Lord will provide a way. 
Things are going pretty well, I think the next few weeks should be pretty good, as I am getting a better feel about how to do things, it is all through members. And with their help lots of great things will happen! We had an awesome training with president last week because I am training. It really showed how important the Book of Mormon is to our church and to missionary work. It is everything! Besides that not a whole lot is happening... Summer is returning early, these past few days must have been in the low 100s. It is killing my poor comp, haha but everyone gets used to it after a while, more or less. 
Oh I had a dream so you guys need to do this. That you guys built second floor on the barn/garage with 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchette and living room. Wouldn´t that be cool! (Also lots of money I know.) haha But I won´t complain if you decide to do that and rent it out to me.... hahahahaha. Anyways how are things going, school and everything? How is the weather over there? I got a bunch of news articles from you guys Friday and some other letters from people. Thank you everyone for the letters and emails! I think that is about it for this week! Love you all and wish you a great week. Make you dreams and wishes high!
With tons of love, Elder Connor Ottosen